Who is Wayne Watters


Wayne began his financial services career in 1996 working for a community bank in El Paso, Texas while also finishing his BS degree in Psychology.  His Psychology degree and ability to effectively communicate the mission and relate to his colleagues makes him an actionable leader.


Upon moving to Austin, Texas in 1998, Wayne moved his career path into credit unions.  By 2011 Wayne climbed up the career ladder from the front line to CEO.  Wayne’s developed and improved technology to enable a full suite of online services.  It is Wayne’s mission to enable credit unions the capacity of delivering all services remotely rather than an environment where the member has to come to the credit union to conduct business. In 2019, Wayne left the credit union office and started Watters’ Advance and CU Stratagem - extending his reach to all credit unions.


Wayne initiates successful member engagement strategies through in-person, social media and email campaigns to deepen member relationships and increase member loyalty.  Staff initiatives include a self-tracking incentive program and coaching strategy which leads to robust loan growth.  Online reputation strategies are incorporated to encourage online reviews by members to help bolster the credit union’s online reputation and new member growth.


Wayne is energetic and passionate about credit unions and a high quality of member service.  His charm and imaginative approach comes across clearly in his public speaking and team building.


Book Wayne for your next event